When a Fight Happens at Home
Attorney Jennifer Pradt understands that there are two sides to every story. As an accomplished Twin Cities criminal defense attorney with over 20 years of trial experience she is prepared to provide personal representation. You can reach out to her at The Law Office of Jennifer L. Pradt at 651-243-7030.
What a Domestic Assault Charge Involves
Domestic assault is an umbrella term for an intentional act to threaten and intimidate a person who is or has been intimate with the accused. It can mean a current or former spouse, or a domestic partner. It includes anyone who is or has been in an intimate relationship with the person accused, a family or household member, or just a roommate.
A domestic assault can be charged when harm has been inflicted, or just threatened. The first offense is typically a misdemeanor. Subsequent charges can be a gross misdemeanor or a felony.
Potential Penalties for a Conviction
The level of charge depends on the circumstances. A misdemeanor domestic assault charge can move to a gross misdemeanor or felony if there is a weapon or an injury. If you have prior convictions for domestic assault, this can also increase a misdemeanor charge to a felony. Interference with a 911 call and violations of No Contact Orders are also considered domestic violence.
Most first domestic assault charges will result in jail time of up to 90 days and a fine of up to $1,000. Some types of assault, such as strangulation, can mean up to three years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000. A second or third conviction can mean up to 10 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine.
Because so much is at stake it is important to enlist the help of an attorney who has years of successful experience handling domestic assault charges. If you want to work with an attorney committed to providing quality representation call attorney Jennifer Pradt.
Do Not Waste Time
Call 651-243-7030 for a consultation about your domestic assault charge. Jennifer Pradt is an accomplished defense attorney who offers compassionate, nonjudgmental legal support. Call or send an online inquiry to her at the firm. Located in St. Paul, Jennifer takes clients who are located throughout the entire Twin Cities metro area. All initial consultations are free of charge.