Different Types of Prostitution Charges in Minnesota
The oldest profession is still a crime in Minnesota. While some debate whether this is a “victimless crime,” prostitution stings are frequent in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area, and an arrest can have embarrassing and immediate consequences. That’s why being a lawyer is the second oldest profession.
The Law Office of Jennifer L. Pradt can provide dedicated criminal defense to those charged with prostitution and other sex crimes. We offer immediate counsel and advice to help you work out of a difficult situation. Call 651-243-7030 if you have been arrested for soliciting a prostitute.
Call Before You Say Anything
Many of the stings target users of chat rooms, Craigslist and internet escort services. You need a lawyer before you speak to the police. Law enforcement officers are trained to get a confession. You need a lawyer who is trained to help you.
A great deal that can be done in terms of your record, jail time, fines and conviction. And it can be done discreetly.
Prostitution is defined as performing or offering to perform sexual acts for hire where there is an exchange of value.
Your reputation, career and social lives of your close family may be affected by a guilty conviction. Working with an attorney as soon as possible can mitigate negative fallout.
Patronizing and Promoting Prostitution
The goal of any sting operation is to obtain as many arrests as possible. The charges can therefore range in severity and in scope. You may be charged with either patronizing (being a “John”) or promoting (running or helping to run a prostitution business).
Solicitation of a minor:
The penalties for prostitution-related offenses are even harsher when the alleged prostitute is younger than 18. Again, this can be a crime if only done by electronic medium.
Get the Legal Help and Protection You Need
St. Paul attorney Jennifer Pradt offers tough but nonjudgmental legal representation if you have been charged with prostitution or a related crime. Call her at her St. Paul office at 651-243-7030. You can also reach her by using the online contact form. Attorney Pradt serves clients throughout the greater Twin Cities metro area.