Unwavering Advocacy In Criminal Defense

Twin Cities Criminal Defense Attorney Protecting Your Rights

If you are facing criminal charges, the support of a seasoned attorney is crucial. The Law Office of Jennifer L. Pradt stands as a beacon of hope for those needing a robust defense in St. Paul, Minnesota. With 15 years of trial experience and a background as a former prosecutor, Jennifer L. Pradt offers a comprehensive legal defense that is both strategic and grounded in a deep understanding of criminal law.

A Track Record Of Excellence

Jennifer Pradt has a formidable history in the courtroom, with over 50 criminal trials taken to verdict and hundreds of contested evidentiary hearings. This extensive experience means she is well-equipped to deal with whatever you have been charged with doing. Having represented thousands of clients facing both misdemeanor and felony charges, she brings a wealth of knowledge and a commitment to justice to every case.

Types Of Charges The Firm Handles

Clients can depend on The Law Office of Jennifer L. Pradt to provide a strong defense for a range of criminal charges, including:

Each of these areas requires a tailored approach, and Jennifer L. Pradt is prepared to deliver the individualized attention and defense strategy necessary for the most favorable outcome.

What To Do If You Have Been Charged

If you are facing criminal charges, it is imperative to exercise your rights wisely. Do not engage in police questioning or try to talk your way out of trouble without a defense lawyer present. Avoid making decisions about pleading guilty or negotiating a plea deal without consulting an attorney. Contacting a defense attorney promptly can make a significant difference in the development of your case. Your lawyer can work to get you released from jail while your case is pending and shield your rights from police and prosecutorial misconduct.

As a Twin Cities criminal defense attorney, Jennifer L. Pradt is dedicated to defending the rights of individuals across St. Paul and beyond. Whether you are dealing with DWI, domestic assault charges or any other criminal accusation, you can trust Jennifer to provide a vigorous defense.

Contact The Firm Immediately After An Arrest

If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime, time is of the essence. Reach out to 651-243-7030 today to arrange a free consultation with Ms. Pradt.